Legislative Priorities

To ensure all students achieve their full potential and learn in safe, supportive environments, stable and predictable funding is essential. Our district's new strategic plan outlines a vision for the educational experience our students and families deserve. Realizing this vision, however, depends on adequate state funding. We believe that decisions impacting our students are best made at the local level, allowing us to tailor resources to their specific needs.
This biennium, we urge our legislators to prioritize the following critical investments for Superior students:


  • Increase the special education reimbursement for public schools to a rate of 60% sum sufficient for special needs students, matching the reimbursement rate given to private schools under the legislated Special Need. In 2023-24, our transfer from Fund 10 to cover unreimbursed expenses totaled $6.2M.  If there was an increase in special education categorical aid it would result in approximately $2.5 M of savings in the general fund.


  • We ask that the low revenue ceiling is increased to $12,500.  By increasing the low revenue ceiling this brings a majority of districts much closer to a more similar limit. This change would increase our revenue by an estimated $3.3 million. To mitigate any potential impact on local property taxpayers, we advocate for a corresponding increase in Equalization Aid to offset this revenue increase.


  • We ask that you increase the per pupil revenue limit. For example, an increase of $90 over the guaranteed $325 in year 1 and $105 over the $325 in year 2 would allow our district to generate approximately $350,000 in additional revenue in year 1 and $420,000 in year 2



  • We are requesting an increase in categorical aid. An increase of $100 per year which would generate $400,000 for our students.

These platform items align with the School Administrators Alliance (SAA). The SAA is an alliance of Association of Wisconsin School Administrators (AWSA), Wisconsin Association of School Business Officials (WASBO), Wisconsin Association of School District Administrators (WASDA), Wisconsin Council of Administrators of Special Services (WCASS), and Wisconsin Association of School Personnel Administrators (WASPA).

wisconsin needs your help
Who to Contact

WI House of Representatives
Representative Angela Stroud (D), District 73
WI State Senate
Senator Romaine Quinn (R), District 25
Joint Finance Committee
[email protected]
Find your Wisconsin Representatives: Who Represents Me?

Not all school districts are funded equally regarding the revenue limit. Superior is ranked 369th for districts in Wisconsin.