Academic & Career Planning

What is Academic & Career Planning?

Academic and Career Planning (ACP) is an ongoing and supported, student-driven, process in which students explore career options and academic pathways to success.  This is a gradual process that builds from one year to the next, student goals and plans are expected to chance and evolve based on new experiences and the development of each individual student.  

At each grade level, students will utilize the Xello software tool as a foundation for their personal, academic, and career exploration.  Additionally, students will explore potential careers of interest and post-secondary options as well as career clusters and pathways through a variety of coursework, field trip experiences, and community involvement.  ACP is a district wide process to support each student in the planning and pursuit of their individual goals for success after high school.  

Why is ACP important?

Academic and Career Planning (ACP) is intended to prepare and equip students and families with the information and tools needed to make informed decisions about post-secondary education, training, and careers in order to lead a successful life after high schoool.  Academic and Career Planning (ACP) is a critial component in ensuring that all students have the knowledge and skills for living, learning, and working successfully.  


Who am I?

Self-awareness lessons and activities.  Interest inventories.  Individual reflection.  Goal setting.


What do I want to do?

Career awareness and interest assessments.  Career research.  Community involvement.  Postsecondary exploration.


How do I get there?

Extra-curricular opportunities.  Community-based learning experiences.  Dual Credit and Advanced Placement courses.  Elective courses.


Go do it!

Adapt, review, revise, and modify goals.  Continued exploration.  ACP conferences and conversations with teachers and counselors.