Community Bulletin Board

These flyers are distributed as a courtesy to families in the School District of Superior; however, distribution does not imply that the School District endorses or approves the activities or viewpoints promoted in these materials.  

Please email flyers to [email protected] for approval in a png format.

community meetings

kick out cancer event flyer

soccer signup

figure skating

soccer try outs

soccer tryouts


community flyer

Family transitions

fear less flyer

Triple P teen parenting
Trauma Informed parenting
Trauma informed
autism fair flyer

HDC Drop in calendar

HDC Reach Out

District Events and Information

  • REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION FOR DISABLED PERSONS The director of human resource, who is the ADA Compliance Officer, shall ensure that the following notice is made a part of each communication concerning a District activity to which the public is invited: "Upon request to the director of human resource, the District shall make reasonable accommodation including the provision of informational material in an alternative format for a disabled person to be able to participate in this activity." 
  • Click HERE to view District Calendars. 
  •  hall of fame flyer


Sign Up Here for After School

four corners
Sign Up Here for Four Corners Before School

before school care through YMCA